Lymphoedema Resources

Maureen Benbow explores the aetiology of fungating wounds and their management, the patient and the associated quality of life issues

Maureen Benbow MSc BA RGN HERC, is a Senior Lecturer, University of Chester

Article accepted for publication: August 2009

Topics:  Quality of life

Morag McKenzie discusses the use of compression therapy for a variety of leg ulcers

Morag McKenzie RGN, BSc Community Health Nursing, PG Dip Wound Healing & Tissue Repair is a District Nurse, Ormiston, Lothian Health Board, Scotland,

Article accepted for publication: December 2009

Anne Williams discusses the literature around self-care and self-management in lymphoedema, and considers the implications for supporting people with lymphoedema.

Anne Williams RGN, MSc, RNT, DN, Onc Cert is a PhD Student, Edinburgh Napier University.

Article accepted for publication: March 2010

Jeanette Muldoon discusses the challenges of managing patients with lymphoedema and chronic oedema.

Jeanette Muldoon is a PhD student at King's College, London  and Head of Clinical Services, Activa Healthcare.

Article accepted for publication: March 2011

Topics:  Clinical skills

Jeanette Muldoon discusses the measurement of oedema as a diagnostic and monitoring tool, highlighting the need for practitioners to reassess within agreed timelines to ensure constant monitoring of treatment effectiveness or the need to refer.

Jeanette Muldoon, Head of Clinical Services, Activa Healthcare.

Article accepted for publication: August 2011

Topics:  Oedema