Evidence based practice Resources

Pam Selim, Caroline Lewis and Sue Templeton describe a case study which examines how nurses and clients can work in partnership to achieve treatment compliance.

Pam Selim, RN, BA is a Research Nurse, Caroline Lewis, RN, BA, Grad.Dip.HC, MNSg is a Clinical Nurse Consultant (Wound Specialist). Sue Templeton RN, BN is a Clinical Nurse Consultant (Wound Specialist).
All three authors work for the Royal District Nursing Service, South Australia.

Article accepted for publication September 2000.

Deborah Flynn explores the evidence base of pelvic floor exercises (PFEs) for the treatment of urinary stress incontinence (SI) and discusses the implications of a national clinical guideline for continence services.
Deborah Flynn RGN, DN, BSc, Dip Prof Studies was District Nurse Team Leader at the time of writing. She is now Clinical Nurse Specialist for Continence & Lead Nurse for Continence for Funded Nursing Care/Complex Care, North Devon PCT. Article accepted for publication: January 2005

Ian Pomfret and Rona Mackenzie give an overview of the work of a continence forum in evaluating and researching the evidence base behind continence management.
Ian Pomfret SRN, NDN Cert, PWT is a District Continence Adviser, Chorley & South Ribble PCT.
Rona Mackenzie RGN, RM, NDN Cert, Cert Ed, BA (Hons) is a Clinical Nurse Specialist, Epping Forest PCT
Article accepted for publication: October 2005

Maureen Benbow gives an overview of the ethical issues that must be addressed when managing wounds. Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, HERC, RGN is a Senior Lecturer, University of Chester.
Article accepted for publication: January 2006

First prize winner in the student category of our "Excellence in Practice" awards, Amy Cray discusses a case study which details the care of an elderly man with an arterial ulcer
Amy Cray is a second year student nurse studying at the University of Nottingham

Topics:  Reflection

Lynda Eastwood discusses the need for innovation in catheter care practice

Lynda Eastwood, Senior Territory Manager (Fylde Coast), Bard Limited

Article accepted for publication: February 2009

Margaret Barnett discusses the responsibility of health care professionals to provide patients/clients with accurate, evidence based information & education to enable informed choices of treatment and care & offers some practical advice

Margaret Barnett RN, MSc, COPD Dip. is COPD Specialist Nurse, Team Leader Plymouth PCT

Article accepted for publication: December 2009

Excellence in Practice Awards 2009 runner up – Amy Cray presents a literature review on the effectiveness of honey dressings on infected wounds.

Amy Cray RN Dip, BA (Hons) is a Staff Nurse, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham.

Morag McKenzie discusses the use of compression therapy for a variety of leg ulcers

Morag McKenzie RGN, BSc Community Health Nursing, PG Dip Wound Healing & Tissue Repair is a District Nurse, Ormiston, Lothian Health Board, Scotland,

Article accepted for publication: December 2009