Wound care Resources

Anne Walker gives a brief overview of Kerraboot® – an innovative solution to the management of long-term ulcers.
Anne Walker, Vascular Nurse Specialist, North Cumbria Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, West Cumberland Hospital, Hensingham, Whitehaven, Cumbria CA28 8JG.
Article accepted for publication: November 2005

Topics:  Diabetes

Maureen Benbow gives an overview of the ethical issues that must be addressed when managing wounds. Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, HERC, RGN is a Senior Lecturer, University of Chester.
Article accepted for publication: January 2006

Maureen Benbow gives an update on the use of VAC therapy for heavily exudating wounds in the community.
Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, HERC, RGN is a Senior Lecturer, University of Chester, Chester.
Article accepted for publication: December 2005

Maureen Benbow discusses the need for holistic assessment of pain in patients with chronic wounds.
Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, HERC, RGN is a Senior Lecturer, University of Chester.
Article accepted for publication: December 2005

Topics:  Pain mechanisms

Bernadine Wrobel & Beth Maryon describe a small scale study which looked at the incidence of MRSA infection in a busy London suburb.
Bernadine Wrobel, BSc (Hons), DN, RGN is Primary Care Team Leader/DN, Havering PCT.
Beth Maryon, SCPT, DN, RGN is Practice Development Support manager/DN, Havering PCT.
Article accepted for publication: January 2006

Sally Magson-Roberts reviews the evidence surrounding the use of tap water in wound cleansing in a bid to establish what current research suggests is safe and effective, thus ensuring quality patient care, whilst delivering a cost effective and equitable service.
Sally Magson-Roberts RGN, DN, BSc, Dip HE is a District Nursing Sister, Eastbourne Downs PCT.
Article accepted for publication: January 2006

Topics:  Tap water

Hanne Vogensen presents a case study which outlines the care of a Danish leg ulcer patient.
Hanne Vogensen, RN is a Tissue Viability Specialist, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Article accepted for publication: June 2006

Topics:  Wound pain

Jacky Edwards gives an overview of burn wound management using maggots for wound debridement.Jacky Edwards, BSc (Hons) PGDE, DSPN, RGN is a Clinical Nurse Specialist, South Manchester University Hospitals Trust.
Article accepted for publication: May 2006

Anna Gale gives an overview of the treatment of a non-healing past traumatic scar with cellulitis using Kerraboot®.
Anna Gale RGN Dip (HE), is a Community Staff Nurse, South West Dorset PCT.
Article accepted for publication: September 2006

Topics:  Wound management

Annemarie Brown discusses the development of a decision tree to inform community nurses' prescribing decisions for silver wound care products.
Annemarie Brown MSc, BSc(Hons), RGN, is a Tissue Viability Clinical Nurse Specialist at South East Essex PCT & West Essex PCT.
Article accepted for publication: May 2006

Topics:  Education