
Ian Pomfret, Lauren Tew & Sharon Eustice discuss the use of silver alloy catheters in the management of catheter encrustation and blockage and reducing catheter acquired urinary tract infections

Ian Pomfret RN, NDN Cert, PWT is District Continence Adviser, Central Lancashire Primrary Care Trust.

Lauren Tew RN, BSc (Hons), PG Dip HE, RNT is Infection Prevention & Control Nurse at NHS Bath & North East Somerset.

Sharon Eustice is Nurse Consultant for Continence, NHS Cornwall & Isles of Scilly.

Article accepted for publication: March 2009

Topics:  Reducing CAUTI

Dianne Burns, John Costello, Monica Haggart, Joanne Kerr, Keith Longshaw & Ruth Thornton consider the complexity of obesity and its health implications, highlighting its implications for community practitioners.

Dianne Burns RGN, BSc (Hons), MSc is a Lecturer in Nursing/Nurse Practitioner.

John Costello PhD, RN is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing.

Monica Haggart RGN, RM, RHV, BSc, MSc is a Lecturer in Health Visiting.

Joanne Kerr RGN, RHV, RNT MSc is a Lecturer in Nursing.

Keith Longshaw RN, RNT, BA is a Lecturer in Nursing.

Ruth Thornton RN, BSc, MA is Clinical Lead Active Case Management/Older People, Manchester Primary Care Trust.

Authors work at the School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work, University of Manchester.

Article accepted for publication: April 2009

Topics:  Social challenge

Maureen Benbow explores the aetiology of fungating wounds and their management, the patient and the associated quality of life issues

Maureen Benbow MSc BA RGN HERC, is a Senior Lecturer, University of Chester

Article accepted for publication: August 2009

Topics:  Quality of life

Professor Matt Griffiths discusses the need for nurses to have their say when it comes to prescribing practices

Professor Matt Griffiths is an Independent Nurse Consultant, Visiting Professor of Prescribing & Medicines, University of Northampton, Senior Nurse for Medicines, University Hospitals of Leicester

Article accepted for publication: August 2009

British Continence Specialist Nurse Joanne Whiteley reports from the 39th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society in San Francisco, USA

Topics:  Wound Care

Joanne Reynolds explores the topic of risk management, focusing on risk assessment.

Joanne Reynolds RN (Adult), DipHE, BSc(Hons), RNT, MSc, Specialist Practitioner (District Nursing). District Nurse, Liverpool Primary Care Trust.

Article accepted for publication: August 2009

Topics:  Duty of care