12 October 2023
A skin integrity prevalence audit was conducted in two health boards in Scotland in 2022, involving 186 care homes and assessment of 6,510 residents. Data collection involved in person and online contact with care home managers and senior care staff by specialist tissue viability nurses and care home support team members. Data was analysed to
generate prevalence rates per 1,000 residents. The findings identified an overall wound rate of 138.6 per 1,000 residents and further skin integrity needs (lower limb oedema) of 79.4 per 1,000 residents. There was variation in the incidence of wounds and lower limb oedema in the two health board settings. This is the first study at this scale and serves as an important benchmark for understanding skin integrity needs in the care home sector. There are important implications for education, training and support of care home staff as well as workforce planning for specialist nursing care to ensure appropriate prevention and management of skin care for residents.
05 February 2021
This article gives a brief overview of blood disorders affecting older adults. The conditions covered within the article vary widely in their symptoms and presentation, their severity and impact on the affected person’s quality of life. Treatment options and prognosis are also very different for each condition covered, depending on the disease the patient has. Some patients are able to live a normal life once treatment has started, while for others their disease carries a far less positive outcome and a poorer prognosis. This article hopes to improve knowledge and understanding of the conditions discussed with the aim of giving community nurses and non-medical prescribers more confidence when advising patients with any of the diseases discussed.
05 June 2020
There are a number of eye diseases that increase in prevalence in older age, all of which affect vision to varying degrees. Impaired vision can impact significantly on an older person’s quality of life and ability to live independently. This article addresses the most common eye diseases seen in older adults. It discusses risk factors, signs, symptoms as well as treatment and management, with the aim of providing an overview for nurses, thus increasing knowledge, understanding and confidence in this area.
Dr Pat Schofield, Dr Tony Ryan & Dr Amanda Clarke explore the existing literature in the area of the experience of chronic pain amongst older populations.
Dr Tony Ryan PhD, MA, BSc is a Senior Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University.
Dr Pat Schofield RN, PhD, PGDipED, DipN is a Senior Lecturer University of Sheffield.
Dr Amanda Clarke RGN, PhD, BA(Hons), MA is a Senior Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University
Article accepted for publication: July 2006
Lesley Andrew discusses the role of community nursing teams in prevention and detection of skin cancer across all sectors of the population
Lesley Andrew, MSc, BSc (Hons), RHV, RN is a Senior Lecturer, Human and Health Sciences, University of Huddersfield
Article accepted for publication: January 2009
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