
Andrew McEwan & Dawn Taylor discuss a structured approach to implementing portfolio learning for health visitors

Andrew McEwan BSc (Hons), PGCE, RN is a Senior Lecturer

Dawn Taylor MSc, PG Dip, RN, RM, HV, Practice Teacher is as Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Health, Leeds Metropolitan University

Article accepted for publication: December 2008

Acknowledgements: We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the hard work and technical skill of our former colleague Liz Hinchcliffe.

Student nurse Celene Gibbon reviews the literature surrounding sacral moisture lesions and sacral pressure damage and the challenges of misdiagnosis and subsequent mismanagement of the wound.

Celene Gibbon is a 3rd year student nurse, Dip/HE Adult Branch Nursing, University of Chester.

Article accepted for publication: January 2009

William Bryans gives some financial tips to NHS budget holders during the “credit crunch”

William Bryans is the author of Managing in Health and Social Care: essential checklists for frontline staff; Resource Management in Health and Social Care; Practical Budget Management in Health and Social Care. All published by Radcliffe Publishing.

Article accepted for publication: August 2009

Topics:  Staffing levels

Maureen Benbow gives an overview of the potential causes and management of secondary lymphoedema

Maureen Benbow BSc, BA, RGN, HERC is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chester

Article accepted for publication: August 2009

Topics:  Risk factors