Tessa Aston gives an overview of nutrition management in the palliative care patient.
Tessa Aston, MSc, BSc (Hons), RD is a Macmillan Specialist Dietitian for Hambleton and Richmondshire Primary Care Trust.
Article accepted for publication: June 2006
Anna Gale gives an overview of the treatment of a non-healing past traumatic scar with cellulitis using Kerraboot®.
Anna Gale RGN Dip (HE), is a Community Staff Nurse, South West Dorset PCT.
Article accepted for publication: September 2006
Dr Pat Schofield, Dr Tony Ryan & Dr Amanda Clarke explore the existing literature in the area of the experience of chronic pain amongst older populations.
Dr Tony Ryan PhD, MA, BSc is a Senior Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University.
Dr Pat Schofield RN, PhD, PGDipED, DipN is a Senior Lecturer University of Sheffield.
Dr Amanda Clarke RGN, PhD, BA(Hons), MA is a Senior Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University
Article accepted for publication: July 2006
Ian Pomfret gives a guide to selecting and fitting penile sheaths.
Ian Pomfret SRN, NDN Cert, PWT, is a District Continence Advisor, Chorley & South Ribble PCT.
Article accepted for publication: September 2006
Annemarie Brown discusses the development of a decision tree to inform community nurses' prescribing decisions for silver wound care products.
Annemarie Brown MSc, BSc(Hons), RGN, is a Tissue Viability Clinical Nurse Specialist at South East Essex PCT & West Essex PCT.
Article accepted for publication: May 2006