
Dr Molly Courtenay & Matt Griffiths give an overview of supplementary prescribing and beyond.Dr Molly Courtenay PhD, MSc, CertEd, BSc, RGN is Reader Prescribing & Medicines Management, School of Health & Social Care, Reading University.

Matt Griffiths RGN, BA (Hons), FAETC, NISP is Joint Prescribing Adviser, Royal College of Nursing & Senior Charge Nurse, Peterborough Walk-In Centre.
Article accepted for publication: February 2006

Anne Williams gives a guide to patient self massage in the management of lymphoedema.
Anne F. Williams RGN, MSc, DN, RNT, Onc Cert, is a Lymphoedema Specialist Practitioner Dalkeith, Scotland.
Article accepted for publication: November 2005

Dr Patricia Schofield presents a typical scenario faced by staff in care homes on a daily basis.
Dr Patricia Schofield PG Dip ED, PhD, RGN, Dip N, is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Sheffield.
Article accepted for publication: April 2006

Topics:  Managing pain

Polly Buchanan gives an overview of the treatments available for managing onychomycosis.
Polly Buchanan RGN, RM, DipN, BSc (Hons) is a Consultant Nurse in Dermatology, Galderma UK, NHS Fife, NHS Tayside.
Article accepted for publication: December 2005