Ian Pomfret provides an overview of continence issues.
Ian Pomfret SRN, NDN Cert, PWT, is a District Continence Adviser, Chorley & South Ribble NHS Trust. Article accepted for publication March 2002.
Maureen Barrett discusses the treatment of primary lymphoedema.
Maureen Barrett RGN is a Community Staff Nurse, Fareham, Portsmouth.
Article accepted for publication February 2002
Vari Drennan reflects on a visit to South Africa and shares her learning experiences in comparing and contrasting the experiences of nurses in other health care systems which could benefit nurses in the UK.
Acknowledgements are made to the British Council for supporting this opportunity and to the many individuals at University of Cape Town and University of the Transkei who made it possible.
Vari Drennan, MSc, BSc. RGN, RGV, PGCEA is a Senior Lecturer in Primary Care Nursing, Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences, Royal Free & University College Medical School, London.
Article accepted for publication May 2002.
Elaine Nixon explores the issues surrounding social work referrals to community nursing services.
Elaine Nixon RGN, RMN, BSc. (Hons) is Clinical Practice Co-ordinator with Darwen Primary Care Trust, Blackburn, Lancashire.
Article accepted for publication January 2002.