Nurse prescribing Resources

09 June 2014

The prescribing of medication is by far the most common form of medical intervention. However, it has been shown that up to 50% of medicines are not taken as prescribed, that medication-related problems can occur, and that up to 7% of hospital admissions can be due to adverse drug reactions. A new approach termed 'medicines optimisation' has been developed that is intended to focus attention on outcomes rather than process in relation to improving quality, the benefits, and value patients receive from their use of medicines. This article describes the role that community nurses can play in achieving the ambitions of the medicines optimisation agenda.

Topics:  Prescribing
11 November 2013

Ongoing developments in the prescribing agenda such as the new competency framework and the widening of professional responsibility within this field, are just part of other major changes taking place in health and social care today. The advantages for nurses of working in this new and rapidly evolving healthenvironment include the possibility of greater role flexibility, increased employability in multi-sectoral teams and the opportunity to run their own commissioned services. For managers, there is the possibility of providing a whole therapeutic package of care from each employee, with the distinct advantage of reducing the cost of relying on locum staff and brought-in prescribing services. This article outlines the common competency framework for prescribing, which provides a focus for the development of skill and knowledge and aims to ensure that standards are upheld across care services.

Anita Fatchett, Associate Senior Lecturer Nursing at Leeds Metropolitan University
Andrew McEwan, Non-Medical Prescribing Lead at Leeds Metropolitan University

25 May 2012

On the  20th September 2011, four European patient organisations (European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines, European Federation of Neurological Associations, European Men’s Health Forum & European Depression Association), published a consensus statement raising concerns about the unlicensed and off-label use of medicines, and calling for a professional Code of Practice. In light of this, Matt Griffiths discusses why practitioners should use licensed medicines whenever possible.

Professor Matt Griffiths RGN, A&E cert, BA (Hons), FAETC, NISP, Independent Nurse Consultant, Visiting Professor of Prescribing & Medicines Management, The University of the West of England, Bristol, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, The Avenue Surgery, Warminster, Wiltshire.

Article accepted for publication: December 2011

03 May 2012

Gaye Kyle discusses the nurse’s responsibility for administrating medication in a safe and acceptable manner to patients with dementia and makes recommendations for practice in the light of current evidence.

Gaye Kyle RGN, BA(Hons), Dip Ed, MA, is an Independent Lecturer

Article accepted for publication: October 2011

Topics:  Compliance

Peter Pridmore attempts to link theory to practice using ethical principles and the UKCC's codes

Topics:  Ethics

Vicki May describes a small study which investigated the readiness of district nurses to prescribe.

Topics:  Knowledge base

Sue Thomas catalogues the changes in nurses knowledge and government legislation regarding the expansion of prescribing rights for nurses.

Sue Thomas RGN, RM, DN, CPT, BA(Hons) is Community Health Adviser, Royal College of Nursing, London.

Article accepted for publication February 2000.

Cate Parker outlines the background to nurse prescribing and the pressure on nurse prescribers

Cate Parker BA, RGN, PGCE, Cert Health Ed. is a Practice Nurse, Lancashire

Article accepted for publication January 2000

Claire Rashid & Helen Bentley discuss how nurse prescribing has influenced both personal and inter-professional roles.

Claire Rashid BSc (Hons), RGN, NDN, CPT, Senior Nurse Professional Development, Nurse Prescribing Lead Leicestershire and Rutland Healthcare NHS Trust.
Helen Bentley MSc, RGN, RM, NDN, DPSN, PGCEA/DNT, Senior Lecturer in Community Nursing, De Montfort University, Leicester.
Article accepted for publication January 2001.

Mahesh Sodha, Glenn Williams, Rasila Shah & Jane Clegg describe a study aimed at investigating the pharmacological knowledge base of community nurses.
Mahesh Sodha BSc, MSc, MRPharmS, Independent Pharmacist (formerly Research Pharmacist, Parkside Health NHS Trust). Glenn Williams BSc, MA, MIHPE, R&D and Clinical Audit Deputy Manager, Parkside Health NHS Trust.
Rasila Shah BPharm, MBA, DipM, MRPharmS, PCG Pharmaceutical Advisor, Parkside Health NHS Trust.
Jane Clegg RN, RHV, BSc, MSc, Deputy Chief Nurse, Parkside Health NHS Trust
Article accepted for publication September 2001.