John Unsworth and Sue Spencer describe the skills needed by community nurses involved in health commissioning and the use of role play within the learning environment.
John Unsworth MSc, BSc(Hons), BA, RGN, PGCE is a Practice Development Nurse, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust.
Sue Spencer MSc, BA, RGN, PGCE is Course Leader MSc Health Sciences (Community Health), Senior Lecturer, University of Northumbria at Newcastle.
Article accepted for publication September 1999.
In the first of our new research series John Playle defines the nature of research as a basis for nursing practice.
John F. Playle MSc, BSc(Hons), RN, Dip Counselling, CPN Cert, RNT Lecturer in Nursing, School of Nursing Studies, The University of Manchester, Manchester.
Article accepted for publication November 1999.
Jacky Edwards guides us through the mechanism of debridement.
Jacky Edwards RGN, BSc (Hons), PGDE, DPSN, ENB 264; 998; 870; N49 is a Lecturer–Practitioner, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust/University of Manchester.
Article accepted for publication November 1999.
Karen Hyland, Janice Fiske & Dr. N. Mathews discuss the dental dietetic dilemma in patients with Parkinson’s disease. They give practical guidance in the nutritional and dental health management of Parkinson’s disease.
Karen Hyland Dip.Diet., MHM, SRD, Senior Dietician for the elderly and elderly mentally ill.
Janice Fiske FDS, BDS, M.Phil, Senior Lecturer & Honorary Consultant in Special Care Dentistry, Guy’s, King’s & St Thomas’ Dental Institute of King’s College, London.
Dr. N. Mathews MBBS, LRCP, MRCS, DGM, Staff Grade Physician. Both work for Barnet Healthcare NHS Trust, London.
Article accepted for publication April 1999.
Rosemary Dillingham and Jean Smallwood discuss the value of health visitor distraction tests to detect hearing abnormalities in young babies.
Rosemary Dillingham SRN, Dip HV, Dip in Aromatherapy (IIHHTT) Member of the ICHT. Jean Smallwood SRN, CMB Part 1, HV Cert are both Audiometric Health Visitors, Worcestershire Community NHS Trust.
Article accepted for publication August 1999.
Jean Curry describes the implementation of a lipid clinic led by nurses in Northumberland.
Jean Curry RGN, RM, DipN (Lond), DipHV, BSc(Hons), Community Nursing Science, CPT is a Health Visitor/Community Practice Teacher, Bondgate Surgery, Alnwick, Northumberland.
Article accepted for publication July 1999.