Wound management Resources

As a part of a new series looking at wound dressings, rosie Pudner discusses the advantages and use of hydrocolloids.

Rosie Pudner, BA(Hons) RGN RCNT Dip.N.Ed. Dip. App.S.S.(Open) is a Senior Lecturer - Tissue viability, faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, Kingston University and St.George's hospital Medical School, London.

Article accepted for publication February 2001.

Topics:  Dressing change

Lindsey McKirdy discusses the pro's and cons of wound cleansing in burn wound management.

Lindsay McKirdy RGN, BA (Hons) is a Clinical Nurse specialist, Burns & Plastic Surgery Unit, South Manchester University Hospital Trust.

Article accepted for publication January 2001.

In her second article, Rosie Pudner, reviews the role of alginate and hydrofibre dressings in modern wound management.

Topics:  Wound type

Lynfa Edwards gives a brief overview of the use of silver and iodine to reduce bacteria in wounds.

Lynfa M. Edwards, MSc, RGN, NDN, Cert Ed, is a Senior Lecturer/Practitioner, Centre for Research and Implementation of Clinical Practice, Wolfson Institute of Health Sciences, Thames Valley University, London.
Article accepted for publication February 2001.

Topics:  Antiseptics

In her third article Rosie Pudner looks at the use of hydrogel dressings on a variety of wound types.

Rosie Pudner, BA(Hons), RGN, RCNT, Dip.N.Ed., Dip.App.S.S.(Open) is a Senior Lecturer - Tissue viability, Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, Kingston University and St George’s Hospital Medical School, London.
Article accepted for publication
March 2001.

Topics:  Ease of us

Jacky Edwards unravels some of the mysteries of growth factors used in wound healing.

Jacky Edwards BSc (Hons), PGDE, DSPN, RGN, ENB 264, 998, 870, N49 is a Clinical Nurse Specialist, South Manchester University Hospitals Trust
Article accepted for publication May 2001.

In her fourth article, Rosie Pudner discusses the use of iodine in wound care.

Rosie Pudner BA (Hons), RGN, RCNT, DipN.Ed, Dip.App.S.S.(Open) is a Senior Lecturer - Tissue Viability, Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, Kingston University and St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London
Article accepted for publication April 2001.

Rosie Pudner examines the properties of low and non-adherent dressings in wound management.

Rosemary Pudner, BA (Hons) RGN RCNT Dip.N.Ed. Dip.App.S.S. (Open), Senior Lecturer, Kingston University and St George’s Hospital Medical School, Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences.
Article accepted for publication May 2001.

Topics:  Pain

In her sixth article, Rosie Pudner describes the use of several post-operative dressings used in wound management.

Rosie Pudner BA (Hons), RGN, RCNT, DipN.Ed, Dip.App.S.S. (Open) is a Senior Lecturer – Tissue Viability, Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, Kingston University and St George’s Hospital Medical School, London.
Article accepted for publication June 2001.

Topics:  Patient comfort

Lindsey McKirdy discusses the modern management of minor burns.

Lindsey McKirdy RGN MSc, BA(Hons) is a Clinical Nurse Specialist Burns & Plastic Surgery, South Manchester University Hospital Trust.
Article accepted for publication July 2001.