Dressing change Resources

06 November 2013

Numerous studies have shown that pain during dressing change is a major issue for patients with both acute and chronic wounds. Despite this evidence, pain is often misunderstood by clinicians and can be poorly managed. Pain can result in patients abandoning dressing regimens and clinicians need to ensure that patients have their pain reduced as much as possible and do not have to face the trauma of repeated painful dressing changes. This article presents some of the causes of pain and outlines some strategies that clinicians can use to prevent or minimise their patients’ pain.

Jacky Edwards, Burns Nurse Consultant, Burn Centre, University Hospital of South Manchester and Lead Nurse, Northern Burn Care Network

As a part of a new series looking at wound dressings, rosie Pudner discusses the advantages and use of hydrocolloids.

Rosie Pudner, BA(Hons) RGN RCNT Dip.N.Ed. Dip. App.S.S.(Open) is a Senior Lecturer - Tissue viability, faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, Kingston University and St.George's hospital Medical School, London.

Article accepted for publication February 2001.

Topics:  Dressing change
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