The senior level gained by advanced nurse practitioners (ANPs) means they are in a strong position when it comes to representing the population. Nurses have had to educate themselves beyond post registration with Masters and Doctorates to support the client group, because of the growing population and 24-hour healthcare requirements. This is in support of the NHS’s commitment to care for patients from the cradle to the grave. There have been obstacles to the ANP’s advancement, but the five drivers of heath care are firm and supportive and likely to have a great impact in the future for ANPs as service deliverers.
Elizabeth Haidar, Senior Lecturer, Non Medical Prescribing Programme Lead, Middlesex University, London
Sheena Wright contributes to the debate on skill mix in health visiting
Dr Moyez Jiwa, Joan Bakewell, Sue Foster & Dr Kate Gerrish discuss why the role of nurses in providing primary care services out of hours is largely limited to telephone triage. They report on a study suggesting that it may be possible for nurses to be involved in visiting patients in these circumstances.
Moyez Jiwa DCH, MRCGP, MA, MMedSci, is a Lecturer at the Institute of General Practice & Primary Care, University of Sheffield. Joan Bakewell RGN, DN, is a District Nurse, Bridgegate Surgery, Retford. Sue Foster RGN, HV, is a Health Visitor at Bridgegate Surgery, Retford. Kate Gerrish BNurs., MSc, PhD, RGN, DN, is a Reader in Nursing Practice Development at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, The University of Sheffield.
Article accepted for publication June 2001.