Shared care Resources

01 December 2020
HARTMANN UKI has launched a new initiative — HOME (acronym for holistic, outline, manage, evaluate/educate) — to help healthcare professionals introduce and manage shared-care solutions for patients at home.
Topics:  Wound management
01 October 2020
Recently, the national wound care agenda has centred around the cost of wounds to the NHS, inadequate holistic wound assessment, reducing unnecessary variations in care and increasing supported shared care. This article demonstrates how one organisation, by transforming the delivery of wound care services into one, addressed those factors while also freeing up valuable community nurse time. It also describes how working in partnership with industry can not only assist in improving the care journey for patients, but also liberate and empower clinical staff.
01 October 2020
It is estimated that 1.5% of the adult population in the UK is currently living with a leg ulcer (Guest et al, 2015). There is substantial evidence to suggest that venous leg ulcers are being poorly managed with delays in assessment, poor primary dressing choice and suboptimal levels of compression contributing to the delay in wound healing (Gray et al, 2018). The bulk of leg ulcer care takes place within primary care (Guest, 2015). Despite there being considerable evidence to support the use of compression therapy and undertaking accurate leg ulcer assessment, this does not appear to always happen in practice. This paper looks at how one clinic improved healing outcomes and patient quality of life through holistic assessment, patient education, supported self-care and introducing compression wraps into the treatment regimen.
Topics:  Shared care

Gill Harris discusses the role of the district nurse undertaking the diabetic yearly review
Gill Harris BSc (Hons) RGN, DN
is a District Nurse, Adur, Arun & Worthing Teaching PCT. Article accepted for publication: July 2005