The importance of an asthma review at least annually is clearly evidenced by guidelines and, importantly, was highlighted in the ‘National Review of Asthma Deaths’ report as an opportunity for assessment and education that could help prevent asthma deaths (Royal College of Physicians [RCP], 2014). Community nurses are in an ideal position to ensure that all patients with asthma have reviews. This article aims to clearly set out what these should include, give practical advice as to how to carry out an asthma UHYLHZDQGZK\WKHGLͿHUHQWHOHPHQWVRIDQDVWKPDUHYLHZ are important.
Lipoedema is a challenging condition for patients, health and social care professionals. Lack of understanding about the condition leads to delayed diagnosis and poor support with self-management. This paper draws on key evidence, best practice guidelines for the management of lipoedema, and a patient story, to provide insights into the presentation, diagnosis, impact and management of the condition. It also identifies key points for practice for community nurses.
Chronic oedema is a soft tissue swelling present for at least three months, most commonly caused by venous and lymphatic impairment. It has a huge impact on quality of life and over time may cause social deprivation. The mainstay of treatment is compression therapy and treatment of the underlying cause. Comfort and acceptability of the compression system is essential. Clinicians need to work with patients to ensure that they are included in treatment decisions and empowered to take charge of their condition.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a serious, long-term and irreversible disease, which obstructs airflow to the lungs due to inflammation of the air passages and lung tissue damage. The most debilitating and frightening symptom is breathlessness, which can affect an individual's ability to walk, exercise, work, socialise, sleep and eat, thus having a major impact on all activities of daily living. This article aims to provide an overview of COPD to facilitate a general understanding of the disease, assist community nurses with early identification for prompt
detection and highlight the pathways and management options available. Due to its complexity, COPD can be challenging for both patients and healthcare professionals, thus the earlier it is diagnosed and management plans started, the sooner its progression can be slowed and any impact reduced.
Psoriasis is a common, recurring inflammatory condition that affects the skin, scalp and joints. It can have a profound effect on an individual’s self-image, self-esteem, and sense of well-being and can negatively affect all aspects of life.
This paper will outline the physiological and psychological impact of psoriasis on the individual and discuss its subsequent impact on adherence to treatment. It will also examine the benefits of self-management of long-term conditions, such as psoriasis and look at the role nurses can play in helping to support self-management.
Susan Maguire, RN, BA (Hons), Professional Officer, British Dermatological Nursing Group, 88 Kingsway, London WC2B 6AA
Article accepted for publication: February 2012
Anne Williams discusses the literature around self-care and self-management in lymphoedema, and considers the implications for supporting people with lymphoedema.
Anne Williams RGN, MSc, RNT, DN, Onc Cert is a PhD Student, Edinburgh Napier University.
Article accepted for publication: March 2010