Neuropathy Resources

15 October 2012

The cost of diabetic foot ulcer management is estimated at around £300 million a year, but the true prevalence of diabetic foot disease is unknown, making the potential economic and personal burden of diabetes treatment and complications inestimable. This article will explore diabetic foot aetiology, risk factors for diabetic foot disease, prevention strategies and briefly discuss the management of people with diabetic foot disease

Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, RGN, HERC, Senior Lecturer, University of Chester

Article accepted for publication: May 2012

Topics:  Neuropathy

Dr Kate Springett discusses the reasons why all practitioners have a responsibility for caring for the 'at risk' foot - and gives a few pointers on how this should be done.
Dr Kate Springett, Senior Lecturer, MSc Podiatry Course Leader, School of Health Professions, University of Brighton. Article accepted for publication: September 2003