Homeless Resources

05 March 2018

Asignificant part of what the Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) does is providing free online resources to support those working in community and primary care settings.

The resources serve as guidance for educators, student nurses, for those contemplating a career move, or even as a refresher for more experienced nurses working in the community. They offer information on issues such as isolation, clinical decision-making, legislation, working practices and safeguarding, among other things.

Topics:  homeless health
20 October 2014

Through events and consultations held by the Queen’s Nursing Institute’s (QNI) homeless health network, community nurses are identifying emerging issues affecting their patients and their workforce.

26 August 2014

People experiencing homelessness are among the most vulnerable and marginalised groups in our society. There is no such thing as an average or normal homeless person — they are all unique with their own strengths, hopes, backgrounds, feelings and motivations and all have a unique story to tell about their route into homelessness. Most also have a vision of a life out of homelessness. Just as these personal stories differ, so too do the health conditions experienced by homeless people.

Topics:  Homeless