Clinical governance Resources

06 November 2013

Healthcare news in the UK often appears to be dominated by Westminster politics and the London-based media, so we asked the chief nursing officers (CNOs) of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales about how they see the future of community nursing in their respective countries.

Ros Moore, Chief Nursing Officer, Scottish Government.
Charlotte McArdle, Chief Nursing Officer, Northern Ireland.
Dr Jean White, Chief Nursing Officer/Nurse Director, Wales.

Topics:  Politics

Steve Coopey discusses the need for procedures such as ear syringing to be made a case for clinical governance.

Steve Coopey RGN, DN(Cert), BA(Hons), CPT is a Lecturer Practitioner, Southampton University.

Article accepted for publication January 2000.

Susan Vernon examines the issues of relevance, validity and applicability when using standardised scales.

Susan Vernon RGN, BSc, DN is a Research Nurse, Faculty of Health & Social Care Sciences, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London.
Article accepted for publication January 2001.

Topics:  Applicability

Peter Zeh discusses the virtues of clinical governance as a way forward for health care provision.
Peter Zeh BSc Nursing Studies, RGN, Part-time Masters student in Applied Health Studies, University of Warwick is a critical care staff nurse, University Hospitals, Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust.
Article accepted for publication September 2001.

Joanne Bennett and Ann Robinson describe how the planned programme of NHS modernisation has placed considerable demands on primary care staff.
Joanne Bennett MA, BA, NDN, RN, RNT is Principal Lecturer in Primary Care at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle. Ann Robinson BSc (Hons), PGCert, RGN, NDN/HV, CPT is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle.Article accepted for publication April 2002.

In their second article Joanne Bennett and Ann Robinson describe the development of a series of workshops designed to meet staff needs and reflect on the process of change that was achieved.
Joanne Bennett MA, BA, NDN, RN, RNT is Principal Lecturer in Primary Care at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle. Ann Robinson BSc (Hons), PGCert, RGN, NDN/HV, CPT is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle.
Article accepted for publication April 2002.

Marina Bigger looks at how the political context has extensively changed the face of primary health care over the last decade and how recently published discussion document, represents an abrupt change of policy, which has traditionally argued that doctors should be the first point of contact in the NHS. This article will present arguments debating the maintenance of the gatekeeper function of primary care as it currently operates in the UK
Marina T. Bigger, BSc (Hon), RGN, RHV, Dip Asthma, PgD, Asthma Compliance is a Lecturer in Community Nursing, University of Ulster. Article accepted for publication: September 2003

Topics:  Primary care

In her second article Maureen Benbow identifies the need for nurses to be aware of their accountability particularly within the fields of wound healing/management.
Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, RGN, HERC is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chester.
Article accepted for publication: November 2006

Topics:  Legislation

Marcia Gore discusses the sharp debridement of pressure ulcers in the community setting

Marcia Gore RN, Dip HE, BSc Hons, PGCE is Lead Nurse Tissue Viability, East Lancashire Teaching PCT

Article accepted for publication: June 2008

In their second article Kim Young & Linda Duggan examine the identification of ‘red flags’ when undertaking a history& address ‘safety-netting’

Kim Young MSc, PGCE, RN, NT, Dip HE Nursing is a Lecturer in Adult Nursing & Health Studies.

Linda Duggan MSc, BSc (Hons), Dip HE (District Nursing), RN, DN, NT is a Lecturer in Adult Nursing & Prescribing.

Both authors are employed at the School of Nursing & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth.

Article accepted for publication: March 2010

Topics:  Red flags