Allergies Resources

01 October 2021
Cow’s milk allergy (CMA) symptoms present in 2–3% of all infants versus 0.5% of breastfed infants in the first year of life and can impact on growth and quality of life of the child (Venter et al, 2017; National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [NICE], 2021). Once CMA is diagnosed, hypoallergenic formulas are recommended if exclusive breastfeeding is not possible or the mother chooses a mixed feeding approach (Venter et al, 2017; Fox et al, 2019; NICE, 2021). This product snapshot reviews the diagnosis and management of CMA and focuses on Alimentum® and EleCare®, hypoallergenic infant formulas that are clinically effective at the best value price (price per 100ml) (Sicherer et al, 2001; Data on File, 2020; MIMS, 2021).
Many standard infant formulas are based on cow’s milk and so babies have exposure to these proteins from an early age, when breastfeeding is not possible or parents opt for mixed feeding.
Topics:  Infants
01 May 2015

It’s that time of year again where Christmas is a distant memory and the longer evenings start to bring thoughts of summer. Unfortunately, the first shoots of spring also stir the fear of allergies in many of us. Allergies have become a widespread phenomenon and at any one time can affect one-in-four people in the UK. Common allergic conditions include hay fever, asthma, atopic eczema and food allergies, and many of these become worse in the spring/summer months.

Topics:  Hay fever

Not everyone with eczema has food allergies but some, particularly children, do. In this article dietitian Sarah Heath looks at how to eat healthily if your diet is restricted

Reproduced with kind permission from the National Eczema Society (NES): This article first appeared in Exchange – National Eczema Society Members Magazine, Issue 138 pp20-22, December 2010

Sarah Heath SRD, Specialist Paediatric Dietitian, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Article accepted for publication: March 2011

Topics:  Allergies