Maureen Beech investigates the implications of integrated nursing teams in primary care.
Maureen Beech BA (Hons), RGN, BSc (Hons) Community Nursing is a District Nurse with Mendip Primary Care Trust, Somerset.
Article accepted for publication October 2001.
Mave Salter reflects on a complex discharge to an unusual destination.
Mave Salter RGN, is a Clinical Nurse Specialist, Community Liaison, The Royal Marsden, Surrey.
Article accepted for publication July 2001.
Jacky Sisson describes a group initiative designed to explore the use of evidence based practice in community nursing.
Jacky Sisson BA (Hons), RGN, DN (Cert), CPT is a District Nurse/Community Practice Teacher, Southampton City Primary Care Trust.
Article accepted for publication January 2001.
Maggie Walker and Kay Levett describe an initiative designed to improve access to services for elderly people living in a rural area.
Maggie Walker BA, MSc, RGN, RHV is a Community Audit and Research Nurse and Kay Levett RGN, Dip Prof Prac, DN is a Placement Practice Co-ordinator, Conquest Hospital, East Sussex.
Article accepted for publication July 2001.
Susan Allen et al., describe a project to develop an integrated nursing team which challenges traditional rules and provides an efficient, economic and effective service
Susan Allen RN, RM, DipNEd, RNT, MSc is Head Ð Academic Affairs, Centre for Healthcare Education, University College, Northampton; Dr. John Toby MA, MB, BChir (Camb), FRCGP, FRCP; Dr. David Smart MB, ChB (Leics), MRCGP; Dr. Fiona Moore MB, BS (London), MRCGP, DRCOG;
Sally Clarke RN, Dip CHN (DN), BSc.
Article accepted for publication May 2001.
To help us celebrate 25 years of the Journal of Community Nursing we asked the Director of the Queen’s Nursing Institute, Jo Hesketh, to reflect on the last quarter of a century from a community nurses’ viewpoint.
Jo Hesketh RGN, MSCLLB 1, is Director of the Queen’s Nursing Institute, London. Article accepted for publication May 2002.
Victoria Eathorne describes events at a one day disability conference held in Cornwall.
Victoria Eathorne RGN is a Disability Advisor, Cornwall Healthcare NHS Trust.
Article accepted for publication August 2001.
Emeritus Professor Justus Akinsanya, originator of the bionursing model briefly describes the use of this education-based tool.
Emeritus Professor Justus A. Akinsanya, BSc, PhD (Lond), RN, ONC, BTA Cert, RNT, FRCN, FWACN, FRSH, FRIPHH, London. Article accepted for publication November 2000.