Following on from the ‘Community matters’ feature in the last issue of JCN (28[3]: pp. 8–9), Katerina Kolyva from the NMC has been in touch to clarify its position over patient involvement in the new
code of conduct.
W hen a client recently turned to me and said: ‘I didn’t know I could do this,’ it was not only clear that I was witnessing someone tackling a new challenge; it also brought home to me the varied and rewarding nature of my role with Integrated Neurological Services (INS).
Sue Hill is associate at the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement; David Pugh is team manager/operational manager at Bristol Community Health and chair of the National District Nurses Network (NDNN).
Alex Munro is a registered nurse, with a background in unscheduled care as a nurse practitioner. He has previously been a director of a private healthcare provider delivering a community admission avoidance service and is the co-founder and clinical director of Hallam Medical, the primary care recruitment specialist.