Assessment Resources

Jeff Fernandez discusses if offering a Librium detoxification regime to dependent drinkers is useful for patients and enables them to remain alcohol free

Jeff Fernandez, MSc, MPhil, RGN is Alcohol & Drug Nurse Consultant, NHS Islington, London.

Article accepted for publication: June 2010

Topics:  Drug use

In the first of two articles Gaye Kyle reviews the definitions of constipation, epidemiology, causes of constipation, symptoms and assessment.

Gaye Kyle RGN BA (Hons) Dip Ed MA Independent lecturer, University of Ulster

Article accepted for publication: June 2011

Maureen Benbow briefly considers different methods of wound debridement and focuses on the advantages associated with a novel, alternative method of debridement.

Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, RGN, HERC is a Senior Lecturer, University of Chester

Article accepted for publication: July 2011

Topics:  Debridement

Jacky Edwards presents a practical guide to management of minor burn injuries to ensure their management is timely and effective.

Jacky Edwards RGN, DPSN, BSc (Hons), PGDE is a Burns Nurse Consultant, Burn Centre, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester.

Article accepted for publication: February 2011