Gillian Pedley reviews the causes of pressure sores, assessment of risk and their prevention.
Lynfa Edwards discusses compression bandaging in the treatment of venous leg ulcers
Jacky Edwards gives a literature review on types of bandages and bandaging technique.
Lynfa Edwards and Alethea Foster discuss the complexities of wound management in the diabetic foot and give a joint community nursing podiatric perspective on multidisciplinary care.
Christa Waller and Maggie Walker describe a case study whereby larval therapy was implemented in an attempt to avoid amputation of an infected diabetic foot.
Rosemary Pudner discusses the impact that changes in the delivery of wound care have had on nurses working in the community.
Yvonne Franks discusses the use of low level LASER therapy in the management of chronic wounds.
Adele Atkinson discusses the different types of skin grafts seen in the community setting, healing rates and the use of dressings for both skin grafts and donor sites.
Alexandra Nielsen examines the literature surrounding the role and management of exudate from chronic wounds.