Skin care Resources

Rosemary Turnbull gives an overview of the treatment of atopic eczema in children.Rosemary Turnbull, RGN, RSCN, Paediatric Dermatology Specialist Nurse, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London. Article accepted for publication: April 2002

James Britton reviews the use of emollients and creams for skin conditions.
Dr James Britton, BM, BS, BMedSci (Hons), MRCP (UK) is a Specialist Registrar in Dermatology at Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UK. Article accepted for publication: March 2003

Information Services at the National Eczema Society look at the management of eczema in black skin.

Founded in 1979 the National Eczema Society exists to help people affected by eczema. The Society has a wealth of information about the practical management and treatment of eczema. Written in response to patient need, the Society's information is also quality assessed by a review process through its Scientific Committee. Your eczema patients and carers can contact the Society through its helpline - 0870 241 3604 or or by visiting

The Society also runs a professional membership scheme. For an annual subscription of £20 you will get on line access to the Society's information bank in a form suitable to download and give to your patients. For further details contact the National Eczema Society at Hill House, Highgate Hill London NW19 5NA, tel 0207 281 353 ext 225, fax 0207 281 6395, email

Topics:  Skin care

Amira Obeid gives an overview of a case study which involved the management of atopic eczema in a four month old baby
Amira Obeid MSc, ANP, BSc (Hons), RN, RM, RHV, DPS: N (CHS), FETC, CIDC, CHD Dip, ENB 8103, 7310, is a Nurse Practitioner, Lordswood Surgery, Birmingham
Article accepted for publication: January 2004

Topics:  Management

In the second of our articles from the ABPI on skin and skin conditions we discuss the management of acne and eczema.
This article has been reproduced by kind permission of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry.04

Dr Iain Foulds explains the incidence and nature of this form of eczema
Dr Iain Foulds is a Consultant Dermatologist.
Article accepted for publication: January 2005

Joanne Wright discusses the need for good emotional support and understanding when dealing with patients/ clients with this distressing skin condition. Joanne Wright RGN, RM is a Practice Nurse in Brighouse, West Yorkshire. Article accepted for publication: February 2005

Dr Paula Beattie discusses the evidence base for the use of wet wrap therapy in the management of atopic eczema.
Dr Paula E. Beattie MRCP is a Clinical Fellow within the Department of Dermatology, Great Ormond St Hospital, London WC1N 3JH.
Article accepted for publication: March 2005

Topics:  Wet wrap therapy

Diana Perry gives an overview of this skin condition and its management from a carers point of view. For more information please contact Diana Perry at the Ectodermal Dysplasia Society, 108 Charlton Lane, Cheltenham, Glos. GL53 9EA England Tel: 01242 261332 Email: Web:

Topics:  Relationships