Skin care Resources

Jessica Stone and Sarah Ransome describe the vital role of community nurses in the management of atopic eczema.

Patricia Schooling discusses the rising incidence of allergy
throughout the UK population.

Topics:  Anaphylaxis

Sharon Fillingham discusses the specific care required by urostomates in the community.

Sarah Le Lievre describes the basic functions of the skin and how the nurse can minimise skin damage in incontinent patients.

Sarah Le Lievre RGN, CMB Pt 1, FETC,
Cert H Ed, is a Clinical Nurse Specialist, Continence Health & Social Services, Jersey, Channel Islands. Executive Committee Member of the RCN Continence Care Forum.

Article accepted for publication August 1999.

Topics:  Education

Winifred Farrrell discusses the current policies which influence the organisation, and provision of policies on dermatological care

Winifred Farrell RGN, RSCN, Cert.Ed., B.Ed (hons), M.Ed, Senior Lecturer, University of Huddersfield, School of Human and Health Sciences, Dept of Health, Social Work & Community Studies.

Article accepted for publication March 2000

Three Manchester based Health Visitors - Patricia Carey, Jacqualine Darby & Jacqui O'Reilly describe an initiative designed to educate and help parents how best to manage their children's eczema.

Patricia Carey SRN, DN, DipN, HV; Jacqualine Darby BA (Hons), SRN SCM, OHNC, HV & Jacqui O'Reilly BSc, Dip HE, SRN, SCM, HV are all Health Visitors working for Mancunian Community Health NHS Trust.

Article accepted for publication: September 1999

Collette Hoare discusses the emotional, psychological and social issues which play a part in the treatment of atopic eczema.

Collette Hoare BSc, is a Information Co-ordinator at the National Eczema Society, London.
Article accepted for publication February 2001.

Topics:  Quality of life

Collette Chambers from the National Eczema Society discusses the use of emollients in the treatment of eczema.
Collette Chambers is Information Co-ordinator for the National Eczema Society, London.
Article accepted for publication January 2002.

Topics:  Skin

In recognition of National Eczema Week, health writer Beverley Chiodo gives a brief overview of the causes of eczema and its treatment.
Beverley Chiodo BA Hons, RGN, is a Freelance Health Writer, West Yorkshire.
Article accepted for publication August 2002.

Topics:  Atopic eczema

Dr James Britton gives an overview of infectious skin conditions.
James Britton BM, BS, BMedSci (Hons), MRCP (UK) is a Specialist Registrar in Dermatology, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds. Article accepted for publication: January 2003

Topics:  Resources