
13 June 2024
It’s a commonly quoted maxim that there are only two certainties in life — death and taxes. But while most of us have little control over the money the government rudely deducts from our wages, it is human nature to consider what might happen when our time on earth is finally up. Some of us might have already made a list of the favourite relatives we’d invite to our funeral or thought about the uplifting music we might play. Others might have considered a traditional burial or want their ashes scattered in a cherished beauty spot.
Topics:  Death
13 June 2024
In recent years, numerous GP practices and community healthcare providers have made substantial investments in automated ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) machines with 1,000+ now in use (manufacturers’ sales data). However, following the release of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance on automated ABPI on 24 May, 2023, practitioners have faced individual decisions regarding the continued use of these devices.
Topics:  NICE guidelines
13 June 2024
Do you make decisions on which compression system to use? Are you involved in selecting and measuring for compression?

Selecting the correct type and size of compression can be time-consuming and confusing. The L&R Compression Selector app aims to support clinicians by simplifying the process. It can quickly and effectively suggest options from the L&R compression range that would be suitable for patient’s needs. Whether that is ReadyWrap® adjustable wrap system, Activa®, ActiLymph®, Adore compression hosiery, or the L&R leg ulcer hosiery kit, the app can support you.
Topics:  Compression
13 June 2024
At NHS Charities Together, we want everyone in the UK to experience the best healthcare possible.

Right now, the NHS is facing immense challenges. Pressures continue to grow, NHS resources are stretched, the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic is still starkly felt and budgets are squeezed so only the crucial elements of care are delivered. Patients’ needs are changing — the population is growing and more people are living longer, often with more or multiple long-term conditions. We depend more on technology. Staff must be properly supported to provide a positive, personal experience to patients.
Topics:  NHS
13 June 2024
In primary care settings, patients often present with a myriad of bowel symptoms, ranging from mild discomfort to potentially life-threatening conditions. It can be challenging to discern between serious life-threatening conditions like cancer and benign issues such as haemorrhoids.
Topics:  Rectal pathology
13 June 2024
International Nurse’s Day, 12th May, is the day when the life of Florence Nightingale, considered by some to be the founder of modern-day nursing, is recognised and celebrated. It is also the day when the world unites in their support and respect of nurses, while acknowledging and celebrating the unique contribution that nurses make, not only in supporting the health of all nations, but in helping to maintain and improve global economic growth. After all, when populations are healthy, they are better able to contribute to society, undertake active work, and care for their families.
Topics:  Nursing
13 June 2024
Intermittent catheterisation is considered the gold standard for urine drainage (Holroyd, 2018). It can be used as treatment for voiding problems due to disturbances or injuries to the nervous system, non-neurogenic bladder dysfunction, or intravesical obstruction with incomplete bladder emptying (Royal College of Nursing [RCN], 2018). Irrespective of the underlying cause, patients with voiding problems frequently find themselves having to make use of a catheter to drain their bladder when it fills and thereby undertake regular intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC). Intermittent catheterisation involves the introduction of a catheter into the bladder and its immediate removal when drainage stops, a process which needs to be repeated four to six times a day (Holroyd, 2018). The experience of performing ISC, while straightforward for some, can be both difficult and painful for others (Guinet-Lacoste et al, 2016; Rognoni and Tarricone, 2017)
Topics:  Product snapshot
13 June 2024
Increasing pressures on healthcare resources require constant evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of provision, particularly for the rising number of vulnerable, elderly and obese patients. Practices regarding compression are arguably often ingrained due to its historical usage, with evidence from managing chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) underpinning its effectiveness. This evaluation explores the clinical benefit, impact, outcomes and cost-efficiencies of using an adjustable compression wrap system instead of previous care. ‘Before-after design’ observation of 50 patients captured baseline resource use, costs and outcomes (clinical and patient) at the time of assessment and again at a maximum of six-month follow-up. Data after using the adjustable compression wrap showed significantly improved clinician-reported outcomes: presence of wounds/leg ulceration (from 56% to 21%), incidence of cellulitis (halved), and reduced complexity/severity of lymphoedema. Additionally, patient- reported outcomes, visual analogue scale (VAS) health score and LYMPROM© scores for pain, heaviness, shopping for shoes and clothes, and body image significantly improved. The mean number of community nurse visits per patient reduced from 11.6. to 9.1, but was not statistically significant (p-value 0.09). However, this evaluation found that over six months there was a mean cost reduction of over £383.70 per patient, which included the purchase price of the adjustable compression wrap system.
Topics:  Wounds
13 June 2024
This article explores the research behind diverticular disease and its dietary management, with a focus on dietary fibre. Diverticula, sac- like protrusions in the colonic wall, are extremely prevalent in older people living in Western countries and range from asymptomatic (diverticulosis) to moderately symptomatic (diverticular disease) to severely symptomatic (diverticulitis). Diet and lifestyle are implicated in the development of these conditions, as demonstrated by the vast increase in prevalence as countries become more industrialised and follow a Western dietary pattern. Dietary fibre is a particular nutrient of interest. Contrary to prior dogma, research suggests that individuals with diverticular disease should actually strive for a high fibre diet to reduce the risk of developing further diverticula and prevent progression to diverticulitis. The dietary management of the symptoms of diverticular disease is not well understood. Vigorous physical activity may reduce the risk of diverticulitis. Community nurses can help their patients to avoid harmful and unnecessary dietary restrictions by using the information in this article.
Topics:  Low fibre diet