Community Matters Resources

01 May 2015

Reading between the lines and ignoring all the political showboating that will inevitably precede the general election on 7 May, what are the key differences between the major parties? And what effect will this have on funding, jobs, nurses and, most importantly, quality of service?

01 May 2015

Jason Beckford-Ball looks at how the upcoming general elections may affect the NHS and asks each party...

How will the general election result influence the future NHS?

Topics:  NHS
03 February 2015

In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. Here, Jason Beckford-Ball looks at icreased NHS privatisation and asks the question...

17 December 2014

In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. Here, Jason Beckford-Ball looks at the latest plan for the future of the NHS in England and asks the question...

Topics:  NHS plan
20 October 2014

In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. Here, Jason Beckford-Ball looks at an issue that refuses to go away — end-of-life care — and asks the question...

Topics:  End of Life
26 August 2014

In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. In this issue, as we face an obesity epidemic and growing lifestyle-related conditions such as diabetes, JCN takes a look at the community nurses’ role in health prevention and asks the question...

Topics:  Regulation
26 August 2014

In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. In this issue, as recent publicity focuses on the true extent of district nurse numbers in the UK, JCN asks the question...

Topics:  Community nurses
04 April 2014

In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. In this issue, as we face an obesity epidemic and growing lifestyle-related conditions such as diabetes, JCN takes a look at the community nurses’ role in health prevention and asks the question...

Topics:  Lifestyle
03 February 2014

In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. In this issue, after recent reports of poor care, we take a look at services for older people and ask the question...

Topics:  Stigmatising
29 November 2013

In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. In this issue, we take a look at end of life care and ask the question...