Reading between the lines and ignoring all the political showboating that will inevitably precede the general election on 7 May, what are the key differences between the major parties? And what effect will this have on funding, jobs, nurses and, most importantly, quality of service?
Jason Beckford-Ball looks at how the upcoming general elections may affect the NHS and asks each party...
How will the general election result influence the future NHS?
In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. Here, Jason Beckford-Ball looks at icreased NHS privatisation and asks the question...
In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. Here, Jason Beckford-Ball looks at the latest plan for the future of the NHS in England and asks the question...
In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. Here, Jason Beckford-Ball looks at an issue that refuses to go away — end-of-life care — and asks the question...
In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. In this issue, as we face an obesity epidemic and growing lifestyle-related conditions such as diabetes, JCN takes a look at the community nurses’ role in health prevention and asks the question...
In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. In this issue, as recent publicity focuses on the true extent of district nurse numbers in the UK, JCN asks the question...
In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. In this issue, as we face an obesity epidemic and growing lifestyle-related conditions such as diabetes, JCN takes a look at the community nurses’ role in health prevention and asks the question...
In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. In this issue, after recent reports of poor care, we take a look at services for older people and ask the question...
In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing we investigate a hot topic currently affecting our readers. In this issue, we take a look at end of life care and ask the question...