
01 December 2020
In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community
practice. Here, we ask... how can community nurses support carers?
Topics:  Covid-19
01 December 2020

Providing compassionate care to those who are sick and suffering is considered by many nurses as not only a privilege, but also an incredibly rewarding experience. Unfortunately, this emotionally, physically and intellectually demanding work can overwhelm a nurses’ psychological resilience to tolerate patient distress (Gilbert, 2009), making them more vulnerable to compassion fatigue (CF).
Topics:  Fatigue
01 December 2020
Emollients are products that are applied to the skin to rehydrate and provide comfort. They are key therapeutic products for skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, but they may also be used to soothe itchy skin (particularly in the elderly). There are a plethora of emollients available on prescription and many more on the market that can be bought over the counter. Most emollients (often also known as moisturisers) contain paraffin in some format, usually either liquid or white soft.
Topics:  Emollients
01 December 2020

We are living through a global pandemic, which has affected us all. It has changed the way we work and think. In the midst of this awful experience, a deeply sad picture is emerging — that BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) people and communities are being massively hit by Covid-19, and a BAME person is more likely to die from Covid-19 (Public Health England [PHE], 2020).
01 December 2020
Have you ever felt confused by the wide range of products available for managing incontinence and toileting problems? How do you help your patients decide which products might suit their needs? And, how can you be sure that you are basing your clinical decisions on the best available research evidence? The Continence Product Advisor (CPA) aims to be the answer to your problems.
Topics:  Products