Wound care Resources

Sylvie Hampton gives an overview of the science of pH balance in wound management.
Sylvie Hampton MA BSc (Hons) DpSN RGN is a Tissue Viability Consultant, Eastbourne’s Wound Healing Centre, Eastbourne
Article accepted for publication: March 2008

Maureen Benbow discusses the effect a chronic wound may have on the individual
Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, RGN, HERC, Senior Lecturer, University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: March 2008

Irene Speding gives a brief overview of a case study involving a lady with chronic oedema
Irene Speding, RGN, NDNcert, BSc (Hons), Dip Diabetic Care/Stoma Care is a Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist, South of Tyne and Wear NHS Trust serving Sunderland & Gateshead PCT
Article accepted for publication: September 2007

Sylvie Hampton, Dr Steve Young and Andy Kerr discuss the treatment of sinus wounds
Sylvie Hampton MA, BSc (Hons), DpSN, RGN is a Tissue Viability Consultant
Dr Steve Young BSc, PhD
Andy Kerr RGN, DipN is a Tissue Viability Consultant, Eastbourne Wound Healing Centre
Article accepted for publication: March 2008

Topics:  Pain

Maureen Benbow discusses a case study of a man affected by necrotising fasciitis
Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, RGN, HERC, Senior Lecturer, University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: March 2008

Irene Speding gives an overview of a case study using VAC therapy in the community
Irene Speding BSc (Hons), RGN, DN Cert, Dip Diabetes/Stoma Care is a Tissue Viability Nurse, South of Tyne & Wear NHS Trust serving Gateshead & Sunderland PCT
Article accepted for publication: January 2008

With thanks to Christine Morris, clinical education specialist for her help and advice and KCI Medical for help in preparing the manuscript.

Topics:  Dehiscence

Runner up in the JCN Excellence in Practice Awards, Helen Lloyd gives an overview of management of complicated wounds in the community
Helen Lloyd RGN works at PCT Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire

Runner up in the JCN Excellence in Practice Awards, Modupe Iwuji discusses the need to prevent venous ulceration
Modupe Iwuji RGN, BSc (Hons), PGCE is studying for an MSc Community Specialist Practice at the University of Brighton and is employed by West Sussex NHS PCT

Maureen Benbow explores the background to the use of larval therapy and its clinical application.
Maureen Benbow MSc BA RGN HERC: Senior Lecturer, University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: June 2008

Maureen Benbow explores the implications of the presence of devitalised tissue in the chronic, non-healing wound and the range of available debridement methods
Maureen Benbow MSc BA RGN HERC is a Senior Lecturer, University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: September 2008