Wound care Resources

Alison Williams describes the role of the podiatrist in treating the diabetic foot.
Alison Williams AHP, D.Pod.M. is a Diabetes Podiatrist at Princess Royal Community Health Centre, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.
Article accepted for publication: August 2006

Topics:  NSF for diabetes

Liz Hawkins gives an overview of the use of skin camouflage in health care.
Liz Hawkins RGN is Chair of the British Association of Skin Camouflage and is a Clinical Nurse Manager, Burns Centre, University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust.
Article accepted for publication: October 2006

Topics:  Skin camouflage

Maureen Benbow reflects on changing and current trends in relation to the emergence of the nursing specialty of tissue viability and how this has influenced the quality of patient care.
Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, RGN, HERC is Senior Lecturer at the University of Chester.
Article accepted for publication: December 2006

Electric stimulation (E-Stim) to initiate healing of recalcitrant wounds has been discussed in the literature for many years and many publications indicate its efficacy. This review by Keith Moore considers the clinical and laboratory evidence underpinning the use of E-Stim for treatment of chronic wounds.
Keith Moore PhD, BSc is a Freelance Scientist at WoundSci.
Article accepted for publication: December 2006

Topics:  Treatment

In her second article Maureen Benbow identifies the need for nurses to be aware of their accountability particularly within the fields of wound healing/management.
Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, RGN, HERC is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chester.
Article accepted for publication: November 2006

Topics:  Legislation

Irene Cooke gives an overview of nurse prescribing in relation to wound management.
Irene Cooke, RGN, SCM, DN, MPH, BSc (Hons), Non-Medical Prescriber, PGCHE is a Senior Lecturer/Pathway Leader in District Nursing, University of Chester.
Article accepted for publication: January 2007

Topics:  Education

Maureen Benbow gives an overview of wound dressing formularies
Maureen Benbow MSc BA RGN HERC is a Senior Lecturer, University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: February 2007

Topics:  Guidelines

Maureen Benbow gives an overview of the structure and functions of the skin and discusses the financial implications to the health service of skin failure
Maureen Benbow MSc BA RGN HERC Senior Lecturer, University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: March 2007

Topics:  Skin failure

Maureen Benbow, Pauline Beldon, Martyn Butcher, Heather Newton, Sylvie Hampton & Helena Baxter discuss a project which was set up to investigate the extent of use of topical negative pressure therapy in primary care settings in the UK in 2004. The objective of this part of the project was to systematically review the available literature up to December 2004.
The systematic review was conducted by a group of tissue viability experts. The key areas explored in the review included clinical, operational, communication, support and safety/liability/governance issues. The review of the literature found that the articles were noticeably lacking in information regarding the five key areas investigated. This would make it difficult for clinicians to initiate effective service provision based on what was found in the literature.
Maureen Benbow, Senior Lecturer, University of Chester.
Pauline Beldon, Tissue Viability Nurse Consultant, Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust.
Martyn Butcher, Skin and Wound Care Service Manager/TVNS, Derriford Hospital Plymouth, Devon
Heather Newton, Nurse Consultant, Tissue Viability, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, Truro, Cornwall.
Sylvie Hampton, Nurse Consultant Tissue Viability, Tissue Viability Consultancy Services
Helena Baxter, Service Development Manager, Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Cambridgeshire.
Article accepted for publication: February 2007

Topics:  Primary care

Maureen Benbow continues her series of articles with an overview of patient assessment and wounds
Maureen Benbow MSc BA RGN HERC is a Senior Lecturer, University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: April 2007

Topics:  Ageing