Community Matters Resources

04 May 2018

In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, we ask Can Community nurses take on obesity?

05 March 2018

Imagine the scenario. You’ve arranged a special dinner for a group of friends. You’ve bought the food; picked out your ‘good’ cutlery; dressed in your best clothes. You may have even tidied up the bathroom and hidden last week’s washing under the bed. Then, they simply don’t turn up. No phone call or email, they just decide, for whatever reason, not to show. Quite apart from the wasted food and wine and the fact that you’ve spent the afternoon preparing, there’s the knowledge that if you knew they weren’t coming, you could have invited someone else. Annoying doesn’t quite cover it.

Topics:  NHS
20 December 2017

Within the community there are a wide variety of services provided by charitable organisations, voluntary services and social services, to support the elderly throughout this difficult season. Working on the frontline, I feel a real issue is professionals actually being aware of the services available. Community nurses are ideally placed to advise, refer and encourage the use of the valuable support networks available. Thus, the key is being familiar and knowledgeable about all your local services to facilitate their use and help the most vulnerable at this time of year.

16 November 2017

In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, we look at the current state of wound care formularies and ask the question

11 August 2017

In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, we look at the current state of NHS mental health services and ask the question

Topics:  Mental Health
14 June 2017

In each  issue  we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, Jason Beckford-Ball looks at the current state of the NHS Mental Health Services and asks the question...

Topics:  Suicide
14 June 2017

Jacqui Ciotkowski is a part-time bank community nurse for South Warwickshire NHS Trust and a part-time teaching assistant

04 April 2017

In each  issue  we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, Jason Beckford-Ball looks at some of the challenges that lie ahead in the coming year.

Topics:  unions
09 February 2017

In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, Jason Beckford-Ball looks at some of the challenges that lie ahead in the coming year.

Topics:  Education
03 January 2017

In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, Georgia Craig looks at alternative ways to review patients in the community and asks... Restoring joy to practice: could group consultations help?

Topics:  Efficiency