Maureen Benbow discusses the professional and legal requirements of nurses when documenting care
Maureen Benbow. MSc BA RGN HERC
Senior Lecturer University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: September 2007
Maureen Benbow discusses the need for careful management of lower leg wounds
Maureen Benbow MSc BA RGN HERC is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: December 2007
On behalf of members of the CCSG Ian Pomfret discusses the range of skin cleansing products available for incontinent patients
Ian Pomfret SRN, NDN Cert, PWT is a Continence Advisor, Central Lancashire PCT
Fiona Rutter describes a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to public health work in residential homes
Fiona Rutter, RGN, SEN, Diploma in District Nursing is a District Nurse at Bidford On Avon Health Centre. South Warwickshire PCT
Article accepted for publication: September 2007
Marie Massey & Susan Winterburn discuss the management of vaginal discharge
Marie Therese Massey RN RSCN BMed Sci is a Specialist Community Practice Nursing Lecturer/Practice Nurse
Susan A. Winterburn RN RHV BSc MMedSci is a Senior Nursing Lecturer/Health Visitor, School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of Sheffield, Sheffield
Article accepted for publication: March 2007