
Susan Winterburn & Marie Massey discuss the management of the common cold
Susan A Winterburn RGN, RHV, BSc, M Med Sci is a Senior Nursing Lecturer Marie Theresse Massey RGN, RSCN, B Med Sci is a Nursing Lecturer at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Sheffield, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield
Article accepted for publication: January 2007

Topics:  Rhinitis

Joanne Whiteley gives an overview of the need for holistic assessment of incontinent patients' skin
Joanne Whiteley RGN, BSc is Continence Services Manager, Kirklees PCT
Article accepted for publication: July 2007

Sylvie Hampton gives an overview of wound bacteria and their effect on wound healing
Sylvie Hampton MA BSc (Hons) DpSN RGN Tissue Viability ConsultantEastbourne
Article accepted for publication: August 2007

Topics:  Dressings

Margaret Barnett examines how the Roper, Logan & Tierney model can be incorporated in the assessment and management of patients with COPD within primary care to enhance their quality of life.
Margaret Barnett MSc in Nursing Studies, COPD Dip. is a COPD Specialist Nurse, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, Devon.
Article accepted for publication: March 2007

Professor Molly Courtenay discusses the benefits and factors which inhibit and facilitate nurse prescribing practice
Professor Molly Courtenay PhD, MSc,
Cert Ed, RGN, School of Health & Social Care, Reading University and is a Joint Prescribing Adviser for the RCN
Article accepted for publication: September 2007

Topics:  Ease of access

Maxine Davy discusses the reality of district nurse assessment
Maxine Davy, RGN, NDN cert, BSc (Hons) is a District Nurse Team Leader, Lincolnshire PCT
Article accepted for publication: June 2007

Topics:  Change