Maureen Benbow continues her series of articles with an overview of patient assessment and wounds
Maureen Benbow MSc BA RGN HERC is a Senior Lecturer, University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: April 2007
Ian Pomfret discusses the management of air in urinary catheter bags
Ian Pomfret RGN, DN, PWT is a Continence Adviser, Central Lancashire PCT
Article accepted for publication: April 2007
Andrew McEwan & Dawn Taylor discuss the development of portfolio based education for the assessment of competency in non medical prescribing.
Andre McEwan BA Hons, RNLD is a Senior Lecturer Non- Medical Prescribing, Leeds Metropolitan University
Dawn Taylor, MSc, RGN, RM, HV Cert is a Senior Lecturer Specialist Community Practice - Health Visiting, Leeds Metropolitan University, West Yorkshire
Article accepted for publication: February 2007
Pat Schofield, Paula Smith, Barry Aveyard, Catherine Black discuss several complementary therapies used in palliative care
Pat Schofield RGN, PhD, PGDipEd, DipN is a Senior Lecturer, Centre of Advanced Studies in Nursing, Department of General Practice & Primary Care, University of Aberdeen.
Paula Smith PhD, MSc, DEN, RN is a Senior Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University
Barry Aveyard RMN, RGN, BA(Hons), Cert Ed, RNT, MA is a Senior Lecturer Sheffield Hallam University.
Catherine Black MAEd, BA (Hons), DipHSM, RN, RNT is a Senior Lecturer DHSS Education & Training, Isle of Man.
Article accepted for publication: January 2007
Sylvie Hampton gives an overview of the management of lymphoedema of the lower limb
Sylvie Hampton MA BSc (Hons) DpSN RGN. Tissue Viability Consultant. Tissue Viability Consultancy Services. Eastbourne.
Article accepted for publication: June 2007