Emma Fawcett is a practice nurse in a GP surgery with 103 people on the asthma register. The clients are invited (at least) annually for an asthma review. In the previous 12 months, only 43 of them have accepted this invitation and attended for review. This article will attempt to review and critically evaluate the available evidence and compare this to an individual practice area.
Emma Fawcett RGN, DipN., BSc (Hons) is a practice nurse in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.
Article accepted for publication: January 2007
Catriona Forbes gives an overview of the research base surrounding the management of terminal delirium and reflects on a case study of a terminally ill patient.
Catriona Forbes MSc, BSc, DipN, DN, RM, RN Is a Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialist, Lochaber, Mid-Highland CHP.
Article accepted for publication: October 2006
Maureen Benbow gives an overview of wound dressing formularies
Maureen Benbow MSc BA RGN HERC is a Senior Lecturer, University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: February 2007
Fiona Wondergem gives some practical advice for community nurses caring for people with a stoma
Fiona Wondergem BSc (Hons) PG Dip Health Visiting, RGN, RSCN, is a Freelance Health Writer, West Yorkshire
Article accepted for publication: December 2006
Anne Williams overviews the factors that contribute to arm swelling and focuses on the use of modified lymphoedema bandaging techniques (often referred to as palliative bandaging) for patients with arm lymphoedema in advanced cancer.
Anne F Williams RN, MSc, DN, DipNursEd, Cert in Cancer Nursing
Cancer Nursing Research Fellow/Lymphoedema Nurse Specialist, Napier University, Edinburgh/NHS Lothian School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Care
Article accepted for publication: February 2007