
Gill Coverdale & Kath Lancaster explore the key themes of carrying out a health needs assessment.
Gill Coverdale BSc (Hons), SCPHN – School Nursing, Cert Ed, RGN is a Senior Lecturer in Community Nursing and Course Leader for School Nursing Pathway of the SCPHN Degree Programme, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Kath Lancaster MSc Advanced Nursing Practice, BSc (Hons), SCPHN, Dip RN – School Nursing, Advanced Dip Teaching & Learning, RGN is a Health Needs Assessment Nurse Specialist, Airedale Primary Care Trust.
Article accepted for publication: May 2006

Sally Magson-Roberts reviews the evidence surrounding the use of tap water in wound cleansing in a bid to establish what current research suggests is safe and effective, thus ensuring quality patient care, whilst delivering a cost effective and equitable service.
Sally Magson-Roberts RGN, DN, BSc, Dip HE is a District Nursing Sister, Eastbourne Downs PCT.
Article accepted for publication: January 2006

Topics:  Tap water

Claire Kilpatrick discusses why MRSA is such a political 'hot potato' and outlines some of the issues both community and acute setting practitioners may wish to conside'.
Claire Kilpatrick RN, PG Dip, ICN, MSc is Nurse Consultant Infection Control, Health Protection, Scotland.
Article accepted for publication: December 2005

Topics:  Hand hygiene

William Bryans gives an overview of how to make successful bids.
William Bryans is the author of Resource Management in Health and Social Care and Essential Checklists for Frontline Staff. Both books are published by Radcliffe.
Article accepted for publication: May 2006

Topics:  Innovation

Zahra Pah Lavan gives an overview of epilepsy and its treatment.
Zahra Pah-Lavan BSc RN is a freelance medical writer.
Article accepted for publication: June 2006

Topics:  Fit