Louise Lee looks at issues in nurse education, specifically at an analysis of assessment itself and how nurse education has changed in relation to how nurses are assessed in clinical practice.
Louise Lee RGN Cert, MHSC is a Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist for Continence for Fylde PCT.
Article accepted for publication: November 2005
Angela Hall gives an overview of mentorship in the community.
Angela Hall, MSc, BSc (Hons), DN, RGN, RNT, PGCE is a Nurse Tutor - Primary Care, Public Health & Care of the Older Person, School of Health Science, Swansea University.
Article accepted for publication: May 2006
Ian Pomfret & Mandy Wells describe some common catheter problems faced by district nurses and some not so common solutions.
Ian Pomfret SRN, NDN Cert, PWT is District Continence Adviser, Chorley & South Ribble PCT.
Mandy Wells MSc, RN, RM, Nurse Consultant, Integrated Bladder and Bowel Care, Exeter PFT, East Devon PCT, Mid Devon PCT and the Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation NHS Trust.
Article accepted for publication: June 2006
Angie Jefferson gives an overview of how diet can reduce coronary vascular disease.
Angie Jefferson BSc, RD, RPH Nutr is a Consultant Dietitian.
Article accepted for publication:June 2006
Wendy Parkinson asks if in view of the increasingly complex care being delivered in the community setting can the exisiting community nurse workforce meet the challenges.
Wendy Parkinson RGN, BSc (Hons), MSc is a Managed Care Nurse Specialist, Portsmouth City PCT.
Article accepted for publication: March 2006