Dr Molly Courtenay gives an overview to changes to the nurse prescribing.
Dr Molly Courtenay PhD, MSc, BSc, Cert Ed, RGN, RNT is Reader in prescribing & medicines management, Reading University & RCN Joint Prescribing Advisor.
Article accepted for publication: December 2005
Margaret Barnett gives an overview of the role of the nurse in the primary care treatment and prevention of COPD.
Margaret Barnett RGN, MSc, COPD dip is a COPD Nurse Specialist, Derriford Hospital, Devon. Article accepted for publication: October 2005
The author would like to thank Sallie Waring, medical photographer, Derriford Hospital, and those patients who gave permission to print photographs.
Susan Holmes identifies the many factors that affect nutrition in older adults and offers some suggestions and appropriate interventions to help community nurses to identify vulnerable individuals and prevent further health decline.
Professor Susan Holmes BSc, PhD, SRN, FRSH is Director of Research and Development at Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent.
Article accepted for publication: September 2005
Anne Walker gives a brief overview of Kerraboot® – an innovative solution to the management of long-term ulcers.
Anne Walker, Vascular Nurse Specialist, North Cumbria Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, West Cumberland Hospital, Hensingham, Whitehaven, Cumbria CA28 8JG.
Article accepted for publication: November 2005
Jan Green & Liz Pirie describe the development of a community based blood transfusion service. Jan Green RGN, Transfusion Liaison Nurse, National Blood Service.
Liz Pirie RGN, Transfusion Nurse Specialist, Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service.
Article accepted for publication: October 2005