Margaret Barnett presents a case study which outlines the care and management of a woman who required a permanent tracheostomy following an acute hospital admission.
Margaret Barnett RGN, MSc, COPD Dip, is a COPD nurse specialist, Derriford Hospital, Devon.
Article accepted for publication: September 2005
The author would like to acknowledge the work of Sallie Waring, medical photogapher at Derriford Hospital.
Celia Muir and Lynne Watret give an overview of how to recognise Pyoderma Gangrenosum by using a structured assessment tool (TIME).
Celia Muir BSc, RGN, Clinical Nurse Specialist Dermatology, North Glasgow Division
Lynne Watret MN, MA, RGN, Clinical Nurse Specialist Tissue Viability Primary Care Division, Greater Glasgow Health Board.
Article accepted for publication: December 2005
Jeanette Haslam gives an overview of female stress urinary incontinence.
Jeanette Haslam, MPhil, Grad Dip Phys, MCSP, RP is an Independent Clinical Specialist in Women's Health, Senior visiting lecturer, University of Bradford.
Article accepted for publication: October 2005
Illustrations reproduced within this article are by kind permission of the Lilly/Boehringer Ingelheim alliance.
Anne Williams gives an overview of Actico cohesive short stretch (inelastic) bandages in the management of lymphoedema.
Anne F. Williams RGN, MSc, DN, RNT, Onc Cert is a Lymphoedema Specialist Practitioner, Dalkeith, Scotland.
Article accepted for publication: December 2005
With grateful thanks to participating centres/practitioners:
A. Batchelor, Specialist Lymphoedema Nurse, St Margaret's Hospice Taunton.
M. Boyle, Specialist Lymphoedema Nurse, Forth Valley Lymphoedema Service.
E. Jennings, Lymphoedema Nurse, Ardgowan Hospice.
M. Key, Specialist Lymphoedema Nurse, Greater Glasgow NHS Board.
M. Lewis, Macmillan Lymphoedema Specialist, Singleton Hospital, Swansea.
U. Oja, Lymphoedema Therapist/ Senior Physiotherapist, Truro.
M. Todd, Specialist Lymphoedema Nurse, Greater Glasgow NHS Board.
J. Wigg, Clinical Nurse Manager, Wolverhampton Lymphoedema Service.