Lyn Kirkwood gives an overview of the anatomy of the digestive tract, the types of stomas created and the reasons for having a stoma.
Lyn Kirkwood, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Weston General Hospital, Weston-super-Mare. Article accepted for publication: February 2005
Sylvie Hampton gives an overview of pressure ulceration and discusses how community nurses may be held to account when pressure ulcers develop.
Sylvie Hampton, MA BSc (Hons) DpSN RGN is a Tissue Viability Consultant, Eastbourne. Article accepted for publication: April 2005
Deborah Coleman looks at the need for nurses to better understand medication non-compliance as nurse prescribing is extended.
Deborah June Coleman RGN, DN Cert, BSc Hons in Health Studies, is a Community Nursing Sister at North and West Belfast Health and Social Services Trust. Article accepted for publication: June 2005
Jaqui Hewitt-Taylor discusses the need for the provision of specific education and training for non-registered nurse care staff looking after children with complex needs.
Dr Jaqui Hewitt-Taylor PhD, BA (Hons), RGN, RSCN is Practice Development Fellow, Institute of Health & Community Studies, Bournemouth University.Article accepted for publication: January 2005