Lesley Ogden and Dr Stephanie Honey describe a study which aimed to elicit patients' views of a new, pilot, community leg ulcer clinic.
Zahra Pah Lavan continues her neurology series with an overview of Parkinson's disease.
Zahra Pah-Lavan RN BSc (Hons) is a nurse and freelance writer living in Australia.
Article accepted for publication: January 2005
Diana Warner gives an overview of the theory underpinning nurse prescribing.
Diana Warner BA (Hons), Dip HE, BSc (Hons). Specialist Practitioner District Nursing. Article accepted for publication: August 2004
Evelyn Bate describes a research project in which she aimed to explore the health and social needs of women who misuse drugs during pregnancy and early parenthood.
Evelyn Bate BN (Hons), RGN, HV, MPH, was a Health Visitor at Glenwood Health Centre, Fife at the time of writing. She is now living in Solihull.
Article accepted for publication: February 2005
In their second article Joanne Bennett and Ann Robinson aim to explore the potential consequences for the district nursing service if the current situation remains unchanged. We will then go on to offer some possible solutions and ideas for debate
Joanne Bennett, MA, BA, NDN, RN, RNT is Principal Lecturer in Primary Care, University of Northumbria.
Ann Robinson, MA, BSc (Hons), PG Cert, RGN, NDN, HV, CPT is Senior Lecturer in Primary Care at the University of Northumbria. Article accepted for publication: January 2005