
11 October 2022
Despite the medical advances of the past century, modern healthcare services often seem to treat our bodies as a series of unconnected parts, our ailments divided according to arbitrary physical labels. We may see a urologist for our weak bladder, a cardiologist for a malfunctioning heart, and a psychiatrist for any mental health issues. While it makes sense to apportion separate parts of the body to qualified specialists, these divisions can result in an inability among healthcare staff to see the ‘bigger picture’ — or to use modern healthcare terminology, to treat the patient ‘holistically’.
11 October 2022
The sun was shining, the scene was a glorious array of colourful rainbows and the
atmosphere was embracingly joyous when a community of LGBTQ+ and allies
came together in celebration and support over two days for Pride Cymru. After
waiting two years since last attending this event due the pandemic, the All Wales
Tissue Viability Nurses Forum, along with the All Wales Lymphoedema Network,
and TVN2gether returned on the 27th and 28th August 2022 to celebrate diversity
in the Welsh capital by supporting LGBTQ+ rights.
Topics:  Pride
11 October 2022
Before the pandemic, the UK was spending only 9.8% of gross domestic product (GDP) on health care, which is one of the lowest in the developed world, and only had a bed capacity of 2.5 per 1,000 people (Maizland and Felter, 2020). Thus, when the pandemic hit, NHS frontline services were rapidly overwhelmed. They responded by postponing nonemergency procedures, closing nonemergency services, and redeploying specialists, which released necessary hospital beds. Unfortunately, these actions had negative consequences for older people and their carers.
11 October 2022
Early diagnosis of bowel cancer is key to saving lives. It is the UK’s second biggest cancer killer with more than 16,500 deaths from the disease every year — one every 30 minutes (Cancer Research UK, 2022a). Yet, it is treatable and curable if detected early. Almost everyone diagnosed at stage I will survive bowel cancer, but sadly early diagnosis has remained stubbornly low with less than 40% of diagnoses at stages I and II (Cancer Research UK, 2022b).
Topics:  Cancer
11 October 2022
The growing prevalence of venous leg ulcers in an ageing population presents challenges for wound care and management (McIntyre et al, 2021). Many people with leg ulcers are elderly, poor and alone, and experience reduced quality of life.
Topics:  Leg Club
11 October 2022
Modern day health and social care dementia practice, as with other conditions, is driven by its current evidence base. This is understood not only through a range of means, such as research, best practice, expert consensus about the most effective way to care for a person with dementia, but also through the lived experiences of people with the diagnosis and their families and supporters. Practice and care should also be guided by clinical ethics; often traditionally referred to as medical ethics.
Topics:  Nursing
11 October 2022
The world of stoma care can be a complex one. Thousands of products are available on Drug Tariff in the UK, which provides the arsenal for stoma care nurses to successfully deliver care and solutions. Some of these products may be to enhance the effectiveness of the appliance used, and each appliance has a variety of characteristics that may dictate the suitability of use for each individual’s personal condition.
Topics:  Stoma Care
11 October 2022
Many people who both attend and work in our services carry the impact of trauma. Their trauma state can be exacerbated by how they are spoken to and treated. It is a sad and shocking reality that people accessing health and care systems can find the experience worsening their condition when they are seeking help and healing.
Topics:  Trauma
11 October 2022
At Coloplast, we know the formation of a stoma is a life-saving procedure for many, but it can also pose considerable challenges for individuals and takes time to adapt (Di Gesaro, 2016). This is why it is essential for everyone with a stoma to have equitable access to high quality care and specialist advice (Osborne et al, 2022).
Topics:  Stoma Care
11 October 2022
Many healthcare professionals recommend absorbent pads for men with urinary incontinence. These can be seen as easy to use and convenient (Chartier-Kastler et al, 2011), but potential odour and skin irritation are a significant concern (Williams and Moran, 2006; Gray, 2007). They can also impact dignity and quality of life (Williams and Moran, 2006). To provide a high level of holistic care, patients should be made aware of all suitable management options appropriate for them to be empowered to manage their bladder accordingly.
Topics:  Incontinence