Zahra Pah Lavan gives an overview of stroke and its management and looks at the role of community nurses in stroke prevention strategies.Zahra Pah-Lavan RN BSc (Hons) is a freelance health writer.
Dr Patricia Schofield & Catherine Black describe the pain management of a women with bone metastases and outline the need for adequate pain relief and treatment for patients with cancer.
Dr Patricia Schofield RN, PhD, PGDipEd, DipN is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield School of Nursing & Midwifery.
Mrs Catherine Black RN, BA (Hons), MA, Dip Health Services is a Nurse Teacher at the Centre of Nurse Education, Keyll Darree, Nobles Hospital, Strang, Isle of Man. Article accepted for publication: July 2004
Deborah Flynn explores the evidence base of pelvic floor exercises (PFEs) for the treatment of urinary stress incontinence (SI) and discusses the implications of a national clinical guideline for continence services.
Deborah Flynn RGN, DN, BSc, Dip Prof Studies was District Nurse Team Leader at the time of writing. She is now Clinical Nurse Specialist for Continence & Lead Nurse for Continence for Funded Nursing Care/Complex Care, North Devon PCT. Article accepted for publication: January 2005
In a two-part article, Joanne Bennett and Ann Robinson critically explore the complex role of the community specialist practitioner in district nursing together with some of the changing expectations for the service. This first article will explore the current context of practice, highlighting some of the dilemmas they face.
Sylvie Hampton reviews VAC therapy and discusses the potential for its use within the community setting providing evidence in the form of case studies.
Sylvie Hampton MA, BSc (Hons), DpSN, RGN. Tissue Viability Consultant, Eastbourne. Article accepted for publication: January 2005