
Marina Bigger explores the proposal that commissioning in the present environment depends on good teamwork
Marina T. Bigger MSc, BSc (Hons), RGN, RHV, is a Service Improvement Manager, Nursing, Dental & Governance, Homefirst Community Trust - Article accepted for publication: March 2004

Dr Sandra Drummond gives an overview of the health implications of obesity
Dr Sandra Drummond, Lecturer in Human Nutrition & Public Health Nutrition, Dietetics, Nutrition and Biological Sciences, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh, UK.
Article accepted for publication: July 2004

In the second of our articles from the ABPI on skin and skin conditions we discuss the management of acne and eczema.
This article has been reproduced by kind permission of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry.04

Frank Booth gives an overview of contracting for continence services within the NHS
Frank Booth RGN, DN Cert is a District Continence Advisor/Continence Services Manager, Flyde PCT, Lancs
Article accepted for publication: February 2004

Topics:  Service delivery

Anne Williams explores the impact of lymphoedema, describes how various factors contribute to oedema formation in advanced cancer and discusses the management strategies appropriate for this group, within the context of palliative care.
Anne F. Williams RGN, MSc, RDN, RNT, ENB 237 is a Lecturer in Chronic Oedema/ Lymphoedema Practitioner, University of Glasgow, Division of Nursing and Midwifery, Glasgow - Article accepted for publication: July 2004
Information on lymphoedema courses are available from:

British Lymphology Society
1 Webb's Court, Buckhurst Avenue, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1LZ
Tel: 01732 740850 Fax: 01732 459225
University of Glasgow
Division of Nursing and Midwifery
59 Oakfield Avenue, Glasgow G12 8LW
Tel: 0141 330 2070

All change for NHS staff

Topics:  Editorial

Tina Fear, Helen De Renzie-Brett & Amanda Cheesley report on the findings of a small study which hoped to gain an understanding of intermediate care within the independent residential care sector
Tina Fear, RGN, ONC, RM, HV Cert, MA. Helen De Renzie-Brett, RN, BSc (Hons), Cert Ed., Dip D/N. Amanda Cheesley RN, Cert District Nursing, Cert Management. Article accepted for publication: May 2004

Topics:  Older People