
Val Robson reports on two case studies which used a standardised medical honey (Medihoney®) in the treatment of chronic wounds.

Amira Obeid gives an overview of a case study which involved the management of atopic eczema in a four month old baby
Amira Obeid MSc, ANP, BSc (Hons), RN, RM, RHV, DPS: N (CHS), FETC, CIDC, CHD Dip, ENB 8103, 7310, is a Nurse Practitioner, Lordswood Surgery, Birmingham
Article accepted for publication: January 2004

Topics:  Management

Zahra Pah Lavan discusses the key points surrounding the clinical procedure of ear syringing and the removal of ear wax
Zahra Pah Lavan BSc, is a third year nursing student at the University of Brighton and a research assistant at Tissue Viability Consultancy Services, Eastbourne. Article accepted for publication: June 2004

Topics:  Removing ear wax

Luci Daniels gives an overview of diet and the prevention and treatment of CHD Luci Daniels is a Consultant Dietitian, London. Article accepted for publication: May 2004

Topics:  Reducing obesity