
Carol Jones discusses achieving shared goals in the use of hip protectors in residential care homes
Carol Jones SRN, SCM, HV, Health Ed Cert is Osteoporosis Prevention Officer, Dorset.
Article accepted for publication: September 2003

Topics:  Hip fracture

Ann Yates, RGN, BN (Hons), Dip Nurs, Fetc is Chairperson of the Association for Continence Advice Wales and Director for Continence Services for the Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust. Article accepted for publication: February 2003

Topics:  Continence

Tina Fear describes an evaluation of a 14 week broad-based community experience for pre-reg studentsTina Fear MA, HV Cert, RGN, RM, ONC is a Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of the West of England, Bristol.
Article accepted for publication: September 2003

The tabloids have been having a field day recently at the expense of nurses. Accusations of poor nursing care, indifference towards patients and clients and feeble attempts by nurses to become 'mini doctors' has led some to believe that nurses as a whole are now . . . too clever to care

Topics:  Editorial

Guy Alexander gives an overview on the selection of mattresses used in pressure ulcer prevention
Guy Alexander RGN, Dip N, BSc (Hons) is a Specialist Nurse - Joint Equipment Services, Hampshire County Council Social Services, North Hampshire PCT.
Article accepted for publication: January 2004

Nick Puffett examines the management of constipation using natural remedies.
Nick Puffett RN, DN, BSc Hons, BA Hons (Nursing), HE Dip. Cancer Nursing is a Community Nurse/Clinical Nurse Specialist, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.
Article accepted for publication: August 2003

Topics:  Constipation

Sue Ridout describes her role as a nurse practitioner in community care for older people
Sue Ridout NDND, ENB Higher Award, R38 Triage in Primary Care is a Nurse Practitioner for Older People, Harborne Medical Centre, Harborne, Birmingham. Article accepted for publication November 2003

Caroline Bolton et al. at Forest Laboratories UK Ltd describe a comparative assessment of the 'clogging' of incontinence pads following the use of Sudocrem™, Cavilon™ Durable Barrier Cream and Conotrane™.
Caroline Bolton, Richard Flynn, Emma Harvey and Justine Morris; Forest Laboratories UK Ltd, Bexley, Kent DA5 1NX, England. Acknowledgement: We are grateful to the volunteers who took part in the study. Article accepted for publication: March 2003