The new Agenda for Change pay system is proving to have a few teething problems, with some nurses actually seeing their pay fall slightly upon being switched over to the new bandings at early implementer sites. But, ever optimistic, employers are hopeful that the difference should balance out over the coming year …
Liz Lees and Sian Wade explore the concept of rapid response. Liz Lees RGN, Dip Nursing, Dip Health Services Management, BSc (Hons), MSc, Kings Fund Leadership Programme. Sian Wade RGN, DN Cert, DPSN, BSc, MA Gerontology, PG Dip Ed. Article accepted for publication March 2002
Robin Cooper describes the development of a vascular assessment unit and the use of telemedicine at a primary care diagnostic and treatment centre
Robin Cooper RGN, Dip DN, CPT is a Wound Care Specialist, North Hampshire PCT.
Article accepted for publication: October 2003
Wendy Walker discusses the role of partnership working in order to prevent falls in the community
Wendy Walker RGN, DPSN, BA (Hons), PG Dip Ed, MSc, is a Health Lecturer at The University of Nottingham, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottingham.
Article accepted for publication: March 2003
New national guidance on end-of-life care will require appropriate commissioning and sustainable funding if there is to be any hope of . . . improving services
Susan Winstanley et al. discuss the findings of a study which was used to determine what questions users and carers should be asked about future healthcare provision in their area
Susan Winstanley, BSc, RGN: Inpatient Services. Newton Community Hospital.
Barbara Thompson, MSc, RGN, CSM: Audit & Research Manager, C-GARRD, Whiston DGH.
Anne Harper, RGN, RSCN, Outpatient Services, Newton Community Hospital.
Elizabeth Hudson: Chief Co-ordinator, Education and Governance Group.