Wound management Resources

Maureen Benbow gives an overview of just some of the vast range of modern wound therapies available to community nurses
Maureen Benbow MSc BA RGN HERC is a Senior Lecturer, University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: December 2007

Topics:  Debridement

Maureen Benbow gives and overview of how to select dressing products and apply them in practice situations
Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, RGN, HERC is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chester.
Article accepted for publication: January 2008

Using case studies Alison Williams discusses the management of diabetic foot ulcers
Alison Williams AHP, D.PodM is a Diabetes Podiatrist, Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Trust, West Yorkshire
Article accepted for publication: October 2007

Topics:  Debridement

Sue Dillaway discusses the need for full holistic assessment of a patient’s needs when trying to increase compliance and concordance in leg ulcer management.
Sue Dillaway RGN is a Practice Nurse, East Sussex
Article accepted for publication: March 2007

Topics:  Sick role

Sylvie Hampton gives an overview of the science of pH balance in wound management.
Sylvie Hampton MA BSc (Hons) DpSN RGN is a Tissue Viability Consultant, Eastbourne’s Wound Healing Centre, Eastbourne
Article accepted for publication: March 2008

Maureen Benbow discusses the effect a chronic wound may have on the individual
Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, RGN, HERC, Senior Lecturer, University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: March 2008

Irene Speding gives a brief overview of a case study involving a lady with chronic oedema
Irene Speding, RGN, NDNcert, BSc (Hons), Dip Diabetic Care/Stoma Care is a Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist, South of Tyne and Wear NHS Trust serving Sunderland & Gateshead PCT
Article accepted for publication: September 2007

Sylvie Hampton, Dr Steve Young and Andy Kerr discuss the treatment of sinus wounds
Sylvie Hampton MA, BSc (Hons), DpSN, RGN is a Tissue Viability Consultant
Dr Steve Young BSc, PhD
Andy Kerr RGN, DipN is a Tissue Viability Consultant, Eastbourne Wound Healing Centre
Article accepted for publication: March 2008

Topics:  Pain

Maureen Benbow discusses a case study of a man affected by necrotising fasciitis
Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, RGN, HERC, Senior Lecturer, University of Chester
Article accepted for publication: March 2008

Irene Speding gives an overview of a case study using VAC therapy in the community
Irene Speding BSc (Hons), RGN, DN Cert, Dip Diabetes/Stoma Care is a Tissue Viability Nurse, South of Tyne & Wear NHS Trust serving Gateshead & Sunderland PCT
Article accepted for publication: January 2008

With thanks to Christine Morris, clinical education specialist for her help and advice and KCI Medical for help in preparing the manuscript.

Topics:  Dehiscence