Nora Dunderdale, Helen Pink & Woody Caan describe the implementation of a discharge planning service within a community care planning team.
Barbara Workman describes a project which explored the experiences of pre-registration students in the community.
Gill Walker discusses just whose criteria professionals, policy makers or patients is being used to shape the community health services.
Barbara Charlton gives an interesting account of the provision of district nursing services throughout Lancashire prior to the formation of the NHS.
Sue Thomas gives an overview of a new white paper launched in December last year
Elaine Clements questions whether health promotion is an integral part of nursing.
Maureen Benbow discusses the complex problem of dealing with MRSA in the community.
Maxine Vincent critically evaluates the Carers' Recognition & Services Act, 1995 as a response to the needs of carers.
Andrew Hanson discusses why vitamin supplementation is valued in today's hectic world.
Sallie Buck reviews some of the recent changes in the management of contraception.