
Sandra Drummond unravels the mysteries of the diabetic diet
Dr Sandra Drummond Lecturer in Human Nutrition and Public Health Nutrition, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh. Article accepted for publication: April 2003

Topics:  Obesity

Marina Bigger looks at how the political context has extensively changed the face of primary health care over the last decade and how recently published discussion document, represents an abrupt change of policy, which has traditionally argued that doctors should be the first point of contact in the NHS. This article will present arguments debating the maintenance of the gatekeeper function of primary care as it currently operates in the UK
Marina T. Bigger, BSc (Hon), RGN, RHV, Dip Asthma, PgD, Asthma Compliance is a Lecturer in Community Nursing, University of Ulster. Article accepted for publication: September 2003

Topics:  Primary care

Sylvie Hampton discusses the need for enhanced training for district nurses working in the field of wound management
Sylvie Hampton MA, BSc (Hons), DpSN, RGN is a Tissue Viability Consultant, Eastbourne.
Article accepted for publication: November 2003

Topics:  Pain Management

Deborah Flynn gives an overview of a project designed to increase people in care homes access to continence services
Deborah Flynn RGN, DN Cert, Dip Prof Studies. At the time of writing she was employed as a DN Team Leader, now working as a Clinical Nurse Specialist (Continence), North Devon PCT.
Article accepted for publication: May 2003

Topics:  Promoting access

Sue Dawson and Mohammed Sharif describe the work of the community cardiac rehabilitation worker
Sue Dawson RGN, Dip Prof Studies, BA (Hons), Post-Graduate Cert in Independent Practice (Nursing) is Clinical Effectiveness Lead/Nurse Practitioner, Bradford City PCT. Mohammed Sharif DPSI is a Community Cardiac Rehabiliation Worker Bradford City PCT, CHD/Diabetes Team. Accepted for publication June 2003

Topics:  Cardiac rehab

Claire Wright discusses the factors which should be considered before embarking on home nutritional support programmes
Claire Wright BSc, SRD, MPhil. Senior Lecturer in Nutrition and Dietetics, Chester College, Parkgate Road, Chester CH1 4BJ. Article accepted for publication: July 2003